Public Policy
The Spilkers are deeply involved in Third Way, a non-profit think tank working to influence national policies. Marc Spilker serves on the Third Way board of trustees and he is the founder of Third Way’s Capital Markets Initiative (CMI). Third Way’s CMI works to educate legislators and their staffs on the importance of capital markets — how they work, what value they add, and what can happen when they go off course. CMI produces a range of timely and accessible financial primers and policy papers and hosts a popular Capital Markets 101 Lecture Series with highly sought after speakers on financial topics from throughout the country.
Along with Apollo Global Management co-founder Marc Rowan, a fellow Penn alum, the Diane & Marc Spilker Foundation helped to establish The Penn Wharton Public Policy Initiative (Penn Wharton PPI) in 2012. The Penn Wharton PPI is a hub for public policy research and education with one overarching goal across its Philadelphia and Washington, DC offices: to leverage the University’s resources to foster better-informed policymaking on issues related to business and the economy. Marc Spilker currently serves on the board of Penn Wharton PPI.